

Krishikosh bot was started on telegram to provide a free service for agricultural students for downloading of thesis from Krihsikosh. In the past 17 days, 437 users have downloaded 3194 files using this bot. We are thankful for all the users for using the bot. In order to keep the bot free, the bot was hosted on a free platform with limited storage and hours of use. We have now reached the free limits and hence the bot wont be able to work further. Paid hosting costs Rs 4700 per month.

We are now left with two options either to let the bot shut itself till the next month or ask for your support. We would therefore request you to donate at the given UPI id to help us upgrade to a paid hosting plan. We will upgrade only after we have atleast 6 months of budget (Rs. 50000 approx).

Share this message with all of your batch mates, juniors and seniors who are currently undertaking research. Encourage them to donate too as this bot will be useful for them also.

p.s. if we do not receive enough donations, all donations will be returned.